1. LDM::sim.meta
    Metadata of the simulated microbiome samples
  2. LDM::sim.otu.tab
    OTU count table of the simulated microbiome samples
    matrix|100 x 813
  3. LDM::sim.otu.tab5
    Filtered OTU count table of the simulated microbiome samples
    matrix|100 x 593
  4. LDM::throat.meta
    Metadata of the throat microbiome samples
  5. LDM::throat.otu.tab
    OTU count table from 16S sequencing of the throat microbiome samples
  6. LDM::throat.otu.tab5
    Filtered OTU count table from 16S sequencing of the throat microbiome samples
  7. LDM::throat.tree
    UPGMA tree of the OTUs from 16S sequencing of the throat microbiome samples